Παρασκευή 19 Αυγούστου 2016

Olive Oil vs Chronic Diseases

      A lot of people are talking about the importance of the Mediterranean diet heavy on olive oil, more specifically, a diet with no restriction of good fats like olive oil. Is it only a balanced and health way of cooking or is associating with a lower rick of cardiovascular disease, breast cancer and type 2 diabetes? Here are two articles trying to answer this question.
    The first article , titled "Cardiometabolic Benefits of Mediterranean Diet with Olive Oil in Type 2 Diabetics" from Olive Oil Times , by Elena Paravantes, focuses on the benefits of adding some extra olive oil to our food. Experts mention the importance of not only adopt the Mediterranean way of cooking, but also making the olive oil our main cooking oil.

Found in: www.orionoliveoil.com 

    The second article from the Authority Nutrition written by Joe Leech, and titled "11 Proven Benefits of Olive Oil", presents, all the ingredients of the olive oil via eleven statements showing how beneficial can be for our health. All the results are outcome of both observational studies and clinical trials.
    Drawing on these two articles and my experience studying about the Mediterranean diet and the olive oil, i have listed three actions that i would recommend to people that they want to adopt or already did the Mediterranean way of cooking including the use of olive oil.

  • Don't wait- Start today by thinking healthy and Mediterranean,
  • Get started!- Find traditional Mediterranean recipes, get a virgin olive oil and start cooking!
  • Add some extra- olive oil to your salad or food, it can be only beneficial for you

My name is Vicky Karkani and I currently study for the Specialisation on Social Media Marketing from Northwestern University. I am also involved with the olive oil industry since 2015, by promoting an extra virgin olive oil, called Orion. Feel free to reach out or connect with me at @v_karkani.